Blueridge Landfill Sectors 5C1-4C1

Municipal Soilid Waste Landfill

PROJECT NAME: Blueridge Landfill 


DATE: 5/2016-Current

SCOPE OF WORK: Includes excavation, general fill, and subgrade preparation; installation of an underdrain system including geocomposite, trenches, pipe, aggregate, geotextile wrap, and temporary sump; installation of 2ft thick(MSW) and 3ft thick(Class 1) compacted clay liner; installation of a leachate collection system including 60-mil HDPE geomembrane liner, geocomposite, trenches, pipe, aggregate, geotextile wrap, and temporary sump; installation of 2ft thick protective cover; future and existing tie-ins; construction of a stormwater sump and channels; installation of haul roads and truck pads; leachate and underdrain forcemains.